In Hulo chess always had many admirers. The history of chess in Hulo is estimated in tens years and has roots in the remote past. In those days in the area there were many strong chess players: Pavle Morchiladze, Tavartkiladze, Esm Artmeladze's Murman. And in 1936 Iskender Tsulukidze from the village of Didachara who drew party with future world champion Mikhail Botvinnik.
In 1985 in the village of Didachara for chess players the wooden house which became the center of chess life was built and served education of several generations of chess players. But passed time and chess life decayed and at last absolutely about it was forgotten..
But after a long pause, in 2010 the chess player Shukri Shavadze showed an initiative and created chess school "Nona", updated the cozy wooden house of chess and brought together little chess players, not only from Didachar, but also from the neighboring villages. And today the only trainer in Hulo who tries to revive chess in Hulo and to wake Shukri Shavadze in broad masses interest in this sport. Carries out internal superiority in the region, already there are champions of the area and it systematically brings them to Batumi on the championship of Adjara. Are distinguished from his pupils: Suliko Shavadze who in the championship of Adjara took the 4th place among young men till 16 years, and in 2012 at the International festival "Nanna Alexandria-2012 Cup" was included in the top ten.
Systematically Nika Hozrevanidze and Imeda Shavadze who on the tournament devoted to anniversary of the honored trainer, the international arbitrator, the best trainer of the 20th eyelid Guram Chanturia in the open championship of schools won the second place among boys till 12 years participate in the championship of Adjara.
The incentive added also the open championship held at the initiative of Adzharian chess federation in Hakhadzire in which 40 chess players from 15 villages took part. Winners received valuable presents. Similar tournaments are supposed to be held in all regions of Adjara. In Didachare the tournament will be held on October 22-24. Very joyful is that fact that these competitions caused an extensive resonance thanks to what the circle of persons interested to be engaged at Nona school significantly extended, already chess players from the neighboring villages go here.
Shukri Shavadze is engaged at school every day and promises that will find still any capable,
promising pupil for whom will open a way to tops of chess skill.
Materials was given by Shukri Shavadze.
Author Marika Japaridze.